Insurance Pre-Determinations Information
Please note that for any recommended treatments, we are always happy to do an insurance pre-determination so you are better able to...
Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas
December is upon us which means it's time for holiday shopping, and we have great ideas for gifts and stocking stuffers for the whole...
So Much Happening in November!
November certainly has a lot going on! It's National TMJ Awareness Month, Mouth Cancer Action Month, and there's even a special day to...
COVID Appointment Re-Scheduling
We are continuing to reach out to those who we need to get back on the books post-COVID-19 closure, but in the meantime, you should also...
At this time, November is nearly full and we are starting to book out into 2021!
As we head into the final months of the year, many people realize they haven't booked their second 6-month checkup. If you need to be...
Happy Halloween!
We know Halloween will look different this year for most people thanks to COVID, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to...
COVID-19, Travel, & Potential Exposure
If you have an upcoming appointment and have traveled out of state, been in contact with any COVID-19 positive individuals, or have been...
Tips for a Spooky Halloween During COVID-19
We know Halloween will look different this year for most people thanks to COVID, but that doesn't mean there aren't other ways to...
Happy 1st Anniversary!
It is hard to believe she's been with us for a year already, but she has! Happy Anniversary to the amazing Dr. Sarah. We are so happy...
*Reminder*: Know Before You Go (to Your Next Appointment)
Please note that pre-appointment COVID screenings are mandatory, and we cannot make exceptions. This includes both a phone screening...